2015 AdvanceCamp Staff Evaluation Form
*First Name
*Last Name

Let us start by saying thank you for volunteering at AdvanceCamp.
This event, the largest ever held in the Bay Area could not have been put on for our scouts without help from adult volunteers like you.
Thank you seems inadequate considering how we really feel. You are an important part of this event.

*What Merit Badge did you teach?
*How many months before camp did you find out about it?
*How many times per year do you attend your local roundtable?
*How do you feel we kept you informed throughout the event?
*How many MILES did you to drive to camp? (Number only)
*How did your class run?
*How was the area we assigned you for your Merit Badge?
How could we have made your Merit Badge better?
What prerequisites would you like to see for this badge next year?
*How was the quality of breakfast?
*Should we offer breakfast every year?
*How was the quality of the lunch?
*How was the portion size of the lunch?
*Did you enjoy yourself today?
*Please rate the flow of traffic after Camp
If you could make improvements to the traffic flow, what would they be?
*Please rate this event overall
If you could make improvements to the overall event, what would they be?
*Would you volunteer for this event next year?
Next year dates September 25-26, 2015

If you did not turn in your completed Class Roster at camp, please scan and e-mail to AdvanceCampregistration@yahoo.com